2/23/2017 - The Beginning....
Published by Kevin Moore,

I really don't want to get into what I have and all that. Let's just say it's not a great cancer to have (not that any are) but it was caught early and I expect nothing but a complete recovery. I am at the best hospital (Johns Hopkins) and have the best oncologist, probably in the country, in this specialty area. I am in a highly successful clinical trial that I just started this week. My tumor marker numbers aren't that high to begin with so it does help in our confidence.
If you have been around me the past couple years, I have had knee problems, both knees, but mainly my left. Meniscus tears mostly. Well, I screwed it up again in October and finally got an MRI done in January because I wasn't able to work it out with PT. On January 19th, I found out the MRI showed cancer in the tibia. From that day on, it has been just been a complete nightmare. It metastasized there from elsewhere. Shock after shock with each test. You can imagine. Metastisizing to bone is rarer than rare. Less than 1% of all cases.
We told a select group of very close friends (and, obviously, family) as we needed a support structure in place for the kids. Plus, we didn't know what we were dealing with and we really had no plan. Now we do and it's probably the best one we could be on. Kim convinced me to do the post yesterday and I'm glad she did, for so many reasons (I haven't been on FB since I got the news). Now, that I'm starting chemo treatments I am almost sure to lose my hair. I plan on sporting a do-rag which would raise a lot of questions, mainly: Harley or cancer. This way most everyone will already know.
Through all of this, Kim has been my rock. When God paired us together, I never would have dreamed this was going to be part of the journey. One never plans for it. If it wasn't for her, I would be in a real bad place. She's my life.
How did I get cancer? I'm very healthy (besides the obvious), never had anything wrong with me beyond a wasp sting or chainsaw massacre. I'm young and exercise all the time, eat right, and try not to drink too much. :-) The speculation is that it's genetics. Nothing I can do about that. But, God had a plan in this. If I didn't have my knee problem, I would not be posting this reply because I would have never known about it. Again, less than 1% of these cancers go to bone. Trust me, I'm so blessed that it did.
I may start a blog or something with updates (I obviously did😀). I don't want it to be about me but more about the experience and perhaps some of our encounters with God's miracles. There has been a number of them so far.
Feel free to contact me or Kim any time. I am at a point now where I can talk about it without bawling. We know it's going to be a long road to recovery since I have to deal with the tibia also at some point, but it's a road that we take with all of our wonderful friends and family, guided by God's love and our faith. Bless you all!