7/19/2017 - Turning Point?

It has been exactly 6 months since I was diagnosed with cancer in my leg on 1/19/2017. To say it's been the hardest time period in our lives is a vast understatement. Ironically enough, today we had our appointment with an expert in orthopedic oncology in Hackensack, NJ to commemorate this anniversary. Kim, PhD, Google Medical, did some fabulous research on finding another doctor for my leg so that we can get a second opinion on how to proceed with treatment and, possible, knee replacement. This guy is pretty much in the top 10 in the country for this specialty so it was well worth the almost 4 hour drive to New Jersey today.

The doctor cleared me for walking without a brace! No sign of a leg fracture anymore. Only instructions are to take it easy. Go for 15-20 minute walks and see how it feels. Adjust based on pain. No running or jumping. Use common sense. No problem! Six months of crutches and then a brace (which, by the way, let me keep my sanity) made life really tough as it was an added burden to my overall condition. But, for now, that's over. Hopefully there will be no issues and this part of the story has ended. We'll see.

There have been other updates since the last blog post. Another 9-week cycle has ended and the results are like the first cycle: stable with some regression. The tumors have shrunk 16% now and the tumor marker test that is run every 3 weeks is now down to 159! This is the lowest it has ever been! It dropped another 40 points and it's definitely a good sign. It's been fluctuating in the 200s for quite a while.

I was cleared to go down to one shot a day for my blood thinner. My stomach has been taking a bruising with the shots so we are hoping that this will alleviate most of that. The sticking really doesn't bother me but cutting it back is just another positive on the road to recovery.

I missed the last treatment in this cycle due to being sick. A virus went through our house and it completely hosed me. I had to get on antibiotics and they decided it was best to skip a treatment in order to get stronger for the next cycle, which I am currently in (two treatments done). My blood counts have been great this cycle. I've started to eat more red meat and it looks like it is making a difference. I have also had a beer every now and then and we think that seems to be helping as well. :-) Chemotherapy really messes with your taste buds and your mood towards food. Each week it can be different. We've learned to just roll with it and go with what works. If it means eating something that isn't perfectly healthy, oh well. I still won't do sweets or foods with white flour but I will happily partake in a handful of fries from Five Guys or some sea-salted potato chips. Had a Sam Adams at lunch today to celebrate the good news. It was fabulous!

Thanks again to everyone for the continued thoughts and prayers. We know that faith, family and friends are an integral part of this journey. It keeps us focused. It keeps us positive. It gives us strength. Thank you so much for that! We hope that everyone is having a great summer!

Much love,

Kevin and Kim